SDK API Reference

The API Reference for our JavaScript SDK


When the SDK is installed properly, you should be able to reference it using window.postscript.


Identifies a subscriber on your site.


  phone: "555-555-5555"
{ "phone": "555-555-5555" }A JSON payload object to use to identify the subscriber. It must have a phone field to look the subscriber up by.

Returns result indicating whether or not a subscriber was found and if so, that they were cookied.


Returns a Postscript Subscriber ID if found.




Fires an event for a subscriber.


window.postscript.event('event_name', payload);

Supported Events

Event NameDescription
page_viewFires an event for Subscriber Viewed Product. For use in "Subscriber Viewed Product" automations (i.e. Browse Abandonment).
add_to_cartFires an event for Product Added to Cart. For use in "Product Added to Cart" automations (i.e. Browse Abandonment).

Payload Properties

shop_idYour Postscript shop_id for your account.123456
urlThe URL of the page the event occurred on. This must be a full URL, not a relative URL, including the full domain.
search_paramsAn object representing the query parameters on the current URL.{ "variant" : "1935013205" }
page_typeThe type of page that the event occurred on.product
referrerThe referrer for the current page. This can be document.referrer for most integrations.
resourceAn object representing the product data. See properties below.
resource.categoryThe product type of the current product being viewed or added to cart.Shoes
resource.product_titleThe title of the current product.Basketball Sneakers
resource.variant_titleThe title of the current variant. If no variant is selected provide first in stock variant title.Black / 12
resource.price_in_centsThe price of the product in cents6500
resource.resource_idThe id of the product9250252
resource.resource_typeThis will always be "product"product
resource.skuThe SKU of the current variant being viewed or added to cart, if available.AF1RED-12
resource.variant_idThe SKU of the current variant being viewed or added to cart.1935013205
resource.vendorThe vendor of the product.Nike

Example Payload

    "shop_id": "123456",  
    "url": "",  
    "search_params": {  
	    "variant": "123456789"  
    "page_type": "product",  
    "referrer": "",  
    "resource": {  
        "category": "Indoor",  
        "product_title" : "Antique Drawers",
        "variant_title" : "60in x 30in",
        "price_in_cents": 25000,  
        "resource_id": 123456789,  
        "resource_type": "product",  
        "sku": null,  
        "variant_id": 123456789,  
        "vendor": "Company 123"  

Opens a specified popup programmatically.

Usage:, options);


  • popupId (required): The ID of the popup to open.
  • options (optional): Configuration for when and how the popup is fired.

Options Properties

activePopupBehaviorstringControls what happens to the currently open popup if a second popup is programmatically triggered. Possible values: ALWAYS_DISMISS, NEVER_DISMISS, DISMISS_WHEN_SOFT_CLOSED.ALWAYS_DISMISS
respectPopupStatusbooleanDetermines if the popup respects the status cookie. If true, popups previously dismissed won't show again (or will show in the close bubble if soft closed). If false, the popup will open regardless of any prior dismissals.true

activePopupBehavior Values

  • ALWAYS_DISMISS: The first popup will be closed, and the programmatic popup will open.
  • NEVER_DISMISS: The first popup stays open, and the programmatic trigger is ignored.
  • DISMISS_WHEN_SOFT_CLOSED: The programmatic popup only opens if the first popup was in the close bubble state.

Example, {
  activePopupBehavior: 'ALWAYS_DISMISS',
  respectPopupStatus: false


Finds the most appropriate popup to display based on the current page, user, and other criteria.




  • options (optional): Criteria used to determine the best popup to show.

Options Properties

typestringFilters results by popup type (legacy or standard).undefined (returns all)
triggerTypestringFilters by trigger type (Custom or Delay).Custom
respectPagebooleanIf true, only considers popups allowed on the current page.true
respectSubscriberbooleanIf true, only considers popups allowed for current subscriber status.true
respectCountrybooleanIf true, only considers popups allowed in the user's country.true
respectPlatformbooleanIf true, only considers popups allowed on the current platform.true
respectStatusbooleanIf true, only considers popups that have not been hard closed.true


A Promise resolving to the best popup’s ID (number or string) if found, or undefined if no matching popup is available.


  triggerType: 'Custom',
  respectPage: true,
  respectSubscriber: true,
  respectCountry: true,
  respectPlatform: true,
  respectStatus: true
}).then((popupId) => {
  if (popupId) {;


Show popup on element click

function initializePopup() {
    if (!window.postscript || typeof window.postscript !== "object" ||
        typeof window.postscript.popups?.find !== "function" ||
        typeof window.postscript.popups?.open !== "function") {
        return; // Postscript SDK isn't fully ready

    // Find the best popup to show
    window.postscript.popups.find().then((popupId) => {
        if (!popupId) return;

        function attachClickEvent(button) {
            button.addEventListener("click", function() {

        let button = document.getElementById("my_button");

        if (button) {
        } else {
            // Wait for the button to be added to the DOM
            const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations, obs) => {
                button = document.getElementById("my_button");
                if (button) {
                    obs.disconnect(); // Stop observing once button is found

            observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });

// Check if Postscript SDK is already available
if (window.postscript && typeof window.postscript === "object" &&
    typeof window.postscript.popups?.find === "function" &&
    typeof window.postscript.popups?.open === "function") {
} else {
    // Wait for Postscript to be ready
    window.addEventListener("postscriptReady", initializePopup);