SDK Events

Reference for handling events emitted by the Postscript SDK

Event Details Structure

  • type: The type of event fired. Currently the only event type is "formSubmit".
  • popupId: The ID of the popup that fired the event.
  • popupName: The name of the popup that fired the event.
  • values: The values of elements in the popup form. This includes
    • email: The email if submitted as part of the form.
    • phone: The phone number if submitted as part of the form.
    • Custom Data: Data from other questions in the form will be included using the name of the subscriber property that is mapped to the question.


  detail: {
    type: "formSubmit",
    popupId: 42,
    popupName: "Mobile + Onsite Opt-In",
    values: {
      phone: "15558675309",
      gender: "female"

Use Cases

Track Form Submission to Google Analytics

window.addEventListener("postscriptPopup", function(ev) {
    if (ev.detail.type == 'formSubmit') {
        const { values, popupName, popupId } = ev.detail;

        // Create event data with dynamic properties from 'values' and include 'popupId'
        const eventData = {
            event_category: 'Form Submission',
            event_label: popupName,
            popup_id: popupId, 

        // Sending data to GA4
        gtag('event', 'postscript_form_submit', eventData);

Track Lead to Meta Pixel

window.addEventListener("postscriptPopup", function(ev) {
    if (ev.detail.type == 'formSubmit') {
        const { values, popupName, popupId } = ev.detail;

        // Create event data with dynamic properties from 'values' and include 'popupId'
        const eventData = {
            content_name: popupName,
            content_category: 'Form Submission',
            popup_id: popupId, 

        // Track event using Facebook Pixel
        fbq('track', 'Lead', eventData);

Add Data to GTM Data Layer

window.addEventListener("postscriptPopup", function(ev) {
    if (ev.detail.type == 'formSubmit') {
        var detail = ev.detail;
        var values = detail.values;
        var popupName = detail.popupName;
        var popupId = detail.popupId;

        // Prepare data for GTM dataLayer
        var dataLayerEvent = {
            'event': 'postscript_form_submit',
            'popup_name': popupName,
            'popup_id': popupId

        // Add values to dataLayerEvent
        for (var key in values) {
            if (values.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                dataLayerEvent[key] = values[key];

        // Push the event data to the dataLayer
        window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];